SNELLI, abbreviation of sleep and mental well-being, is a project by SCORE UI that encompasses three main events which are research, air-campaign, and webinar. SNELLI itself is the realisation of SCORE Goes Public (SGP) level 3 project. Sleep and mental being were chosen as the main theme of this year’s project given the highly prevalent sleep sacrificing practice, especially in university students, meanwhile sleep quality is positively related to mental health and wellbeing. This discrepancy between fact and reality made us realise the urgency of this project to be held.

The research we held a research holds the title “Hubungan kualitas tidur dengan kesehatan mental mahasiswa tingkat I Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia selama pandemi COVID-19”. 100 people participated in the research. Through statistical data analysis, we found that sleep quality among first year health cluster students in UI are positively correlated with mental wellbeing. We summarized this interesting result into an infographic that we posted through CIMSA UI’s official Instagram account and presentate it in the webinar.

We also held an air campaign to improve awareness around the topic sleep and mental wellbeing. The air campaign consists of “Bingo” and “True or False” that challenges the habit and knowledge of the public about sleep and its relation of mental health. An estimation of 30 people participated in our air campaign.

To top it all, we held a webinar “Importance of Sleep and Mental Wellbeing during COVID-19 Pandemic” inviting psychiatrist Gina Anindyajati as the speaker. The participants were explained about the definition of mental health, definition of sleep and how the COVID-19 pandemic affect our sleep, the correlation of sleep and mental health, also what we could do to improve our sleep quality and mental health. This webinar was attended by around 180 people from various back grounds, all over indonesia.

Through this project, we wish to applicate the knowledge that have been gained through previously held SGP lvl.1 CROWN 2020 and improve the research skills of SCORE CIMSA UI members. Moreover, we also aspired to deliver new perspective and applicable knowledge about the importance of sleep to the public, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, towards better quality of life.