Hello, SCORE!
On Saturday, 28th August 2021, Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) Centre for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) Universitas Indonesia held an online training event named SGP Level 1 STOCHASTIC (SCORE Training on Basic Research and Statistics). This one-day event aims to improve medical students of Universitas Indonesia’s skills in research, especially for SCORE CIMSA UI members. The SGP Level 1: STOCHASTIC event is held online on the Zoom platform and has 2 sessions of webinars, an ice-breaking session, and a workshop with a total duration of 215 minutes.
Before the webinar started, participants were given a pre-test to determine their initial understanding of the webinar’s material. After that, we began the first webinar session, which was presented by SCORE CIMSA UI alumni, Bagas Ariffandi. He explained basic research knowledge comprehensively, such as types of data, how to calculate sample size, sampling techniques, research instruments, and instrument validity and reliability.
Before getting into the next webinar session, we had an ice-breaking session to let the participants freshen up. We played some rounds of Scattergories for 15 minutes. The game was really fun because many participants were involved in the game. Participants who fail in the game will be appointed by the MC to do various types of interesting dares.
The second session of the webinar was presented by SCORE CIMSA UI alumni, Gede Bagus Yoga. He explained the introduction and concept of statistical analysis and how to implement it by using SPSS. This material was presented very well by him. After knowing more about statistical analysis and SPSS, participants had the opportunity to practice it directly. The participants were divided into 2 breakout rooms for the workshop session. Each webinar speaker was assigned to each breakout room to assist participants in using SPSS with the dataset provided. The workshop activity was held successfully due to the high enthusiasm of the participants.
After this event, SCORE CIMSA UI members are expected to understand more about the basics of research and be ready to use the knowledge in practice in future SCORE activities.
Standing Committee on Research Exchange
Empowering Medical Students, Improving Nation’s Health