Greetings, everyone!
Every October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month in order to highlight the challenges of this deadly disease. In the meantime, women are also prone to another type of cancer that has been the second most common cancer which is cervical cancer. To celebrate and raise awareness of Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer, SCORA CIMSA UI, in collaboration with POI, YKPI, and Lovepink Indonesia, held Battling Breast and Cervical Cancer With No Worries (BLUEBERRIES!) as an annual project held to increase knowledge about breast and cervical cancer.
Globally, the incidence rate of breast cancer itself is in the range of 40.3% and a death rate of 16.6% for every 100,000 population. Meanwhile, the incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer are at 13.1% and 6.9%. Based on the data from American Cancer Society, this number will continue to grow in 2021 with the estimation of 281,550 new cases for invasive breast cancer and 14,480 new cases for cervical cancer.
According to the WHO, the survival rate of breast and cervical cancer can be upsurged with optimal early detection and management. Thus, increasing public awareness of this topic becomes a concern that needs to be intensified in order to build a better future for breast and cervical cancer intervention.
This year, BLUEBERRIES! focuses on prevention and the latest updates regarding breast cancer and cervical cancer. We conducted several activities in response to this problem including air campaigns, workshops, webinars and a roadshow. Our campaigns consist of Decorate The Bra! challenge, Pink Outfit challenge, and Blueberries Quiz Filter exhibited on Instagram with the total of 104 participants.
The Roadshow was held on October 15th, 2021 that has the target audience of high school students with the topic of “Breast and Cervical Cancer 101 & Nutrition and Cancer Prevention” brought by dr. Adityawati Ganggaiswari, M.Biomed. On the other hand, the webinar and workshop was held on October 31st, 2021 with the topic of “Kenali Kanker Serviks dan Kanker Payudara di Era Pandemi Covid-19” presented by Dr. dr. Junita Indarti, Sp.OG(K) from FKUI-RSCM and dr. Arief Wibisono, Sp.B(K)Onk from RS Fatmawati; in partnership with YKPI. The events that we held are able to increase the knowledge of the audience according to the pre-test and post-test that we conducted during the event, precisely 26.44%.
Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health an Rights Including HIV/AIDs
Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation’s Health