Hello SCORE! Based on data from the Scientific American Survey (1994), the annual contribution of Indonesian scientists and scholars to knowledge, science, and technology is only 0.012 percent. The low interest in research is caused by the lack
It’s You(th)!: Malnutrition in Refugees Children
As we know, children are the key to the future. They determine the quality of a country, even the world. An adult is extensively shaped by their childhood, how they get love, adequate nutrition, proper education, and various other
Sudahkan Kamu Menjalankan PHBS?
Greetings, everyone! PHBS adalah singkatan dari perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat yang memiliki arti berbagai perilaku yang dipraktikkan atas dasar kesadaran pribadi sehingga satu atau lebih orang mampu menolong dirinya sendiri dalam menjaga kesehatan serta berperan aktif dalam mewujudkan
Greetings, everyone! Currently, the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic. As of September 29th 2021, there are 4.213.414 people confirmed to have COVID-19. COVID-19 spreads easily between humans. So, patients with COVID-19 are required to be isolated, whether
BLUEBERRIES!: Wonder Over Worry
Greetings, everyone! Every October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month in order to highlight the challenges of this deadly disease. In the meantime, women are also prone to another type of cancer that has been the second most common
Project X CESTHER: Create Beautiful Sunrise Together
Greetings, everyone! Based on data released by Kemenkes 2020, 6.8% of Indonesians suffer from Anxiety Disorder. According to our pre-project assessment, there are 38% of respondents who experience various symptoms of anxiety such as feeling restless, irritable, excessive
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